NEARLY ONE in seven Americans had a package snatched from their house in the first 10 months of 2022, according to a C+R Research report. Even working at home or installing a video doorbell, which records the movements of anyone who approaches your front door, can’t prevent thieves from covering their faces, slinking up the steps and nabbing your latest Prime delivery. Now, some homeowners are turning to a new spin on an old classic: adding Wi-Fi smarts to a beefy lockbox.
These package receptacles, such as the Eufy SmartDrop S300 and Yale Smart Delivery Box (with keypad), are powered by batteries that last between three and six months depending on how often you get deliveries. Just connect the device to your home network, then choose an access code and, every time you buy online, enter that code as the second line of your address and/or in the “preferred delivery instructions” section. That equips delivery drivers to key the code into your box, pop its lid and leave your package inside, assuming you haven’t bought a 12-foot ladder or a hippopotamus.
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