Dark days for Toronto as antisemitism blows wide open.

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Shots fired at a Jewish school in the early morning hours of Saturday in Toronto’s north end. Just hours later, protesters at the gates of the University of Toronto cheered on a recording of a speech from a Hamas spokesman praising the Mujahedin.

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This is the state of anti-Semitism and the open support of terrorism in Toronto.

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It is open, it is brazen — it is growing.

Just before 5 a.m. on Saturday, security camera video posted online shows two men, all dressed in black, firing five shots into Bais Chaya Mushka School for Girls. The two men then run across the street and jump into the back of a waiting getaway car.

“The Integrated Gun and Gang Task Force is the lead investigator in this, however, we have the full support of the Hate Crime Unit., as well,” Toronto Police Insp. Paul Krawczyk told reporters, while standing in front of the school.

It’s good that they appear to be taking this seriously, but where have Toronto Police been for the last eight months?

Oh, that’s right, they’ve delivered coffee to protesters. They’ve stood by and watched as genocidal slogans have been chanted on the streets of Toronto. They’ve observed as Jewish schools, daycares and businesses have been targeted.

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They even allowed the pro-Hamas mob to shut down a reception, featuring both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and visiting Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Toronto Police so utterly failed to provide security at the event that protesters had full access and control of the entrances to the Art Gallery of Ontario.

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The failure of action and leadership from the Toronto Police has allowed the atmosphere we are in now to grow and fester. Of course, our politicians have not been much better — Mayor Olivia Chow especially, who has not only dragged her feet on offering comments but fought against shows of support for Toronto’s Jewish community.

Sure, she put out a statement on this shooting, calling it “a despicable anti-Semitic act” but why did it take a shooting? Earlier this week, Chow fought hard to block the passage of a motion that would have called on the province to bring in bubble zone legislation blocking protests from synagogues, mosques and other faith-based places.

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No, such legislation wouldn’t have stopped the shooting aimed at an elementary school, but it would have sent a message of support.

That’s exactly why Chow didn’t support the motion and leaned heavily on other councillors to vote with her. Chow is worried that showing support for Toronto’s Jewish community, or too much support, will alienate her base, which apparently includes the yahoos walking the streets of Toronto with genocidal chants.

Chow’s lack of leadership has helped foster the atmosphere we see now.

That atmosphere includes open support of Hamas at rallies, people wearing clothing sporting the image of Abu Obaida, or as we saw Saturday, playing a recording of his speech. On College St., right at the Alumni Gates of the University of Toronto, a roving protest played a speech by Obaida promoting “victory or martyrdom” for the Mujahedin – meaning the Hamas fighters.

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It’s another sign that these protests are pro-Hamas and not pro-Palestinian.

For months, they have marched with impunity through the streets calling for Israel to be wiped out, never calling for the release of the hostages and promoting the idea that resistance by any means necessary is justified.

All of this has led to bullets being fired at a Jewish elementary school and terrorist propaganda played over loudspeakers to cheering crowds.

This kind of violence, intimidation and hatred doesn’t belong in Toronto, but it is here.

It doesn’t appear that anyone in any position of leadership is serious about stopping it.

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