EY is not alone in think­ing that employ­ees work­ing from home are not con­trib­ut­ing enough to the busi­ness (“EY mon­it­ors UK staff office attend­ance via turn­stiles”, Report, Janu­ary 30). Our research found that half of UK work­ers say their employer has “pro­ductiv­ity para­noia” over staff work­ing at home.

The prob­lem for large City employ­ers is that col­lect­ing gate data isn’t the answer. The risk is that organ­isa­tions ali­en­ate their employ­ees who may take their skills else­where. “Present­ee­ism” leads to “resent­ee­ism”, and “man­age­ment by walk­ing around” simply doesn’t work for the mod­ern hybrid organ­isa­tion. Organ­isa­tions must real­ise that work­ing styles have evolved sig­ni­fic­antly in recent years — and meth­ods of meas­ur­ing pro­ductiv­ity need to evolve with them.

Half of work­ers that we asked were open to their employer using soft­ware like digital employee exper­i­ence ana­lyt­ics (DEX) to meas­ure their pro­ductiv­ity and engage­ment at work. This is a far more soph­ist­ic­ated approach that says a lot more to busi­ness lead­ers about work­force pro­ductiv­ity than a key card swipe into the office ever can.

Mark Cress­well
Co-founder, Scal­able Soft­ware,
Wey­bridge, Sur­rey, UK

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