A new mortgage scheme is promising rates not far from the record lows seen back in autumn 2021 – if they are willing to buy a new-build home. 

The Rate Reducer scheme, run by the property finance company Own New, will offer buyers rates as low as 0.99 per cent if they buy a home with certain housebuilders and mortgage lenders. 

This compares to average rates of more than 5 per cent on the open market.  

Rate reducer: The scheme has been launched by Own New, a platform that works with house builders and lenders to give reduced rates and smaller deposit mortgages on new build homes

Rate reducer: The scheme has been launched by Own New, a platform that works with house builders and lenders to give reduced rates and smaller deposit mortgages on new build homes

At the moment it is only available with mortgage lenders Halifax and Virgin Money and developer Barratt Developments, but more housebuilders and lenders are set to join from next week.

The Rate Reducer mortgage forms part of an incentive offered by the housebuilder to the buyer – in much the same way as housebuilders sometimes offer a discount or to cover a buyer’s stamp duty bill.

Except here, the offer being made to a buyer is to reduce their monthly mortgage payments over a fixed term period of either two or five years.

For example, the housebuilder might offer a 5 per cent incentive on a home. The Rate Reducer takes this sum and directly offsets it against the mortgage interest to reduce monthly payments.

Buyers can opt to spread the benefit across the first two or five years, depending on their lender’s criteria.

To get the biggest discounts on their mortgage, buyers will need larger deposits.

Someone looking to buy a £300,000 new build property would need at least a 40 per cent deposit in order to be eligible for the cheapest 0.99 per cent two-year fixed rate via the scheme. 

The maximum mortgage amount allowable in the scenario above would therefore be £180,000, with a £120,000 deposit. 

Based on a 25-year term, their two-year fix would cost £677 per month on a 0.99 per cent rate.

If they were to buy the same new build home outside the scheme, their rate would probably be around 4.5 per cent or above, which would increase the monthly payments to £1,000.

Over a two year period that would mean they save a total of £7,752, equating to about 2.6 per cent off the purchase price.

In addition to cutting monthly outgoings during that time, the customer will also pay more off the capital value of their mortgage because the interest charged on the loan is lower.

This means they would also end up with a bigger equity stake at the end of the fixed period.

Based on a 25 year repayment term the £180,000 mortgage will be £167,181 after two years charged at 0.99 per cent, compared to £171,842 if charged at 4.5 per cent.

This means they would have paid off £4,661 more on the lower rate alongside the savings made from lower interest costs.

What housebuilders are taking part?

Barratt Developments is the first housebuilder to open up the scheme to buyers, but others signed up to take part include Persimmon, Taylor Wimpey, Bellway and Berkeley Homes.

Steve Mariner, sales and marketing director at Barratt Developments said: ‘By launching the Own New Rate Reducer scheme we are helping more people to be able to afford a home.

‘The scheme gives buyers the financial boost they need to get them onto the property ladder.

‘They will be able to compare all the options available to them to make sure they get a mortgage product that is right for them and in their long-term financial interests.’

Some of Britain's biggest housebuilders are set to take part in the scheme. This means it should be available on a major scale

Some of Britain’s biggest housebuilders are set to take part in the scheme. This means it should be available on a major scale

What about mortgage lenders?

The Own New Rate Reducer scheme will launch with Halifax and Virgin Money to begin with.

Lenders Gen H, Furness Building Society and Perenna have also confirmed they will soon be offering mortgages through the scheme.

Lenders will still carry out their usual affordability assessment, to check that the purchaser can afford repayments if the interest rate increases once the fixed-term benefit ends.

Rather than approach the lenders directly, independent financial advice must be sought from a regulated mortgage broker who has completed additional training to access the scheme.

Craig Calder, head of secured lending at Virgin Money, said: ‘Buying a home is a major life event and this first-of-its-kind mortgage product will help customers feel happier about their big purchase, knowing that they have the certainty of a lower fixed interest rate over the initial period of the mortgage.

‘By using the homebuilder incentive budget to offset initial mortgage repayments, buyers can focus on other costs like furnishings and decoration, to make their house a home.’

The Own New Rate Reducer scheme will launch with Halifax and Virgin Money to begin with

The Own New Rate Reducer scheme will launch with Halifax and Virgin Money to begin with

Is the Rate Reducer mortgage a good idea? 

Mortgage and property experts are divided over how helpful the Rate Reducer scheme will be for home buyers. 

Some say it will assist buyers by reducing their costs in their first years in a new home, which can be expensive – though they point out that they must have a plan for when those costs rise.

But others have been more critical, suggesting that it is a ploy by housebuilders to sell more homes amid falling prices – and that many buyers will still need to put away money in the early years to afford the higher rates they will ultimately end up on. 

David Hollingworth, associate director at L&C Mortgages says the product may appeal to buyers who have paused their plans due to higher mortgage rates pushing up their monthly payments

David Hollingworth, associate director at L&C Mortgages says the product may appeal to buyers who have paused their plans due to higher mortgage rates pushing up their monthly payments

David Hollingworth, associate director at L&C Mortgages believes the product may appeal to buyers who have paused their plans due to higher mortgage rates, but he adds that it must be used ‘sensibly’. 

‘This product will help target one of the key barriers for many and give buyers more breathing space in their monthly payments, by using the developer’s incentive to slash the rate,’ says Hollingworth.

‘Borrowers will have to meet lender affordability tests as normal, but it will also be important for them to plan ahead. Once the deal ends there is every chance that the rate environment will still be higher and so payments will climb.

‘However, buyers will know this on the way in and therefore be able to work towards making provision for an increase in payments in the future. In the meantime, they will feel they have more flex to enable them to buy sooner.

‘We’ve seen other schemes that can help buyers with small deposits but this new, innovative approach puts another option on the table for buyers.’

The advice to buyers weighing up this scheme is to think very carefully before committing. 

Housebuilders have been known to offer all sorts of incentives in the past, including paying the buyer’s stamp duty bill, offering free furniture or even in some cases a car.

Henry Pryor, a professional buying agent and property expert says: 'If you need a cheaper mortgage then this is God's way of telling you that you can't afford it. Wait until the price comes down or let some other mug buy it.'

Henry Pryor, a professional buying agent and property expert says: ‘If you need a cheaper mortgage then this is God’s way of telling you that you can’t afford it. Wait until the price comes down or let some other mug buy it.’

But it may be more beneficial to buyers if they negotiate a discount on the asking price instead. This is something housebuilders may be more willing to offer at times when they are struggling to shift their homes. 

Negotiating down the asking price results in an immediate saving, rather than one the buyer would have to gradually claw back over a two or five year period via  the lower monthly payments under the Rate Reducer scheme. 

Henry Pryor, a professional buying agent argues that house builders will do anything to sell their properties and avoid reducing the price.

‘Selling at reduced prices quickly becomes a matter of public record as well as local gossip,’ says Pryor.’ ‘It becomes harder and harder to sell other units if the price of the sold ones is falling.

‘So, they will bribe buyers with freebies – they’ll furnish it, they’ll pay your Stamp Duty, they’ll throw in a Porsche or more likely a Nissan Micra so long as the headline price remains high.’

When it comes to the Rate Reducer scheme, he warns that there is ‘no such thing as a free lunch’.  

‘The buyer pays for it – usually over 25 years and with interest. It’s just stuck on the mortgage,’ he says. 

‘This looks like another way to keep the prices up by discounting the cost of the mortgage.

Peter Bill warns: 'Be careful. This feels like a "save now pay later" scheme.'

Peter Bill warns: ‘Be careful. This feels like a “save now pay later” scheme.’

‘Do yourself a favour and avoid this tacky selling wheeze. If you need a cheaper mortgage then this is God’s way of telling you that you can’t afford it. Wait until the price comes down or let some other mug buy it.’

Others have pointed out that the value of new-build homes tends to fall in the first few years, meaning that properties bought under the scheme could be harder to sell on. 

And as they will then be second-hand, new buyers won’t be able to benefit from the same mortgage incentive.  

Peter Bill, author of Property Planet and co-author of Broken Homes: Britain’s Housing Crisis: Faults, Factoids and Fixes, points out that new homes cost on average between 15 per cent and 20 per cent more than second hand homes and therefore tend to fall in value to begin with, rather than rise.

Bill says: ‘Like a new car, the price falls as soon as you step in the door. It can take up to five years for overall prices to rise before you can get what you paid.

‘Be careful. This feels like a “save now, pay later” scheme. The Own New offer saves the builder having to offer a discount and so supports local “headline” prices.

‘You pay later when the fixed term deal expires and the rate rises.’

Eliot Darcy, founder of Own New

Eliot Darcy, founder of Own New 

What is Own New and how does the scheme work?

Own New was launched in 2022. It already runs the Deposit Drop scheme, which has enabled buyers in the North East and Yorkshire to buy a new home with a five per cent deposit since early 2023.

To access the Own New Rate Reducer, customers will need to speak to one of the housebuilders taking part to find a home that is available through the scheme. 

They will then be referred to one of a network of specialist mortgage broker partners, who will help to progress their application.

Own New, will charge a fee which will be priced into the deal, but nonetheless should be made clear to the buyer prior to agreement. 

Own New was founded by Eliot Darcy, who set out to create a more accessible system of mortgage lending after being frustrated when he bought his first home. 

Despite having a stable income, he says he struggled to secure a mortgage, while friends with wealthy parents enjoyed a much more straightforward route to buying.

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