While a dead screen may scream trouble, there could be an innocuous and easy-to-fix problem at hand. Simply put, your settings may be misconfigured. Even if you’ve never gone into the settings menu, this is the quickest and easiest thing to check first. All you need is the remote and access to the TV’s power cord. If you need to move your TV to reach behind, ensure its legs or stand remain flat on a stable surface to keep it from tipping as you maneuver through wires.

Before you get too deep into settings, you’ll want to start with a soft reboot, a process that can also help fix slow TVs. Simply turn off your TV and unplug it from the wall. Then, wait 60 seconds and, at the end of the minute, press and hold the power button for 30 seconds. Plug the TV back in and power it on. If you still have audio but no picture, you’ll want to check your TV’s Brightness setting. This is usually found under a menu option labeled Picture, but refer to your TV’s manual if you can’t find it. These options also affect the hue of your TV.

Navigate to the Brightness field and adjust the value. If it’s all the way to the darkest setting, make the screen brighter until you see something on the screen. If you’re lucky, the TV just glitched, and adjusting the brightness a little will restore the picture. Should soft rebooting or adjusting the TV’s brightness not rectify the issue, you’ll need to shift focus to individual components of your television, starting with the HDMI inputs. 

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