Now, you may notice a trend with retrofit smart locks. Generally, the cheaper the lock, the clunkier it is, and vice versa. So, if you’re a renter working on a budget but want a smart lock, it doesn’t get much simpler than the SwitchBot Lock.

While the rest of the options require some installation, the SwitchBot Lock is a rip-and-stick smart lock. It doesn’t require any screws or drills. Simply choose which thumbturn adaptor fits your deadbolt, adjust the base, peel off the protector to reveal the adhesive, and stick it to the inside of your door. Once installed, the SwitchBot Lock adds seven ways to unlock your door, including from your smartphone, Apple Watch, voice control (Alexa and Google), Bluetooth, or physical keys.

The SwitchBot Lock is incredibly easy to install and undoubtedly the easiest on this list. It’s also the clunkiest option, sitting on top of your deadbolt and sticking out a few inches from your door. However, the SwitchBot Lock is the cheapest product on this list, retailing for just $99.99. It retains that title even if you add the SwitchBot Keypad to your purchase, totaling $119.99. So, if you’re a renter, a smart lock doesn’t get much simpler than the SwitchBot Lock.

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