Organic Pest Control for Gardens (Natural Options)

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » Organic Pest Control for Gardens (Natural Options)

Gardening can be a great way to save money and eat the freshest food but also comes with its fair share of frustrations. From pest management to proper watering, there are a lot of factors involved, especially if you’re using organic methods to avoid synthetic pesticides. Here are some natural pesticide options so your body (and the environment!) will thank you!

Fortunately, there are several ways to wage war against pests without resorting to harmful pesticides and insecticides. Companion planting, proper spacing, and natural pest control methods help ensure a healthy garden.

The Battle of the Bug

Insecticides, herbicides, and other pesticides come with their fair share of problems. Side effects of exposure range from skin irritation to breathing problems (to death in extreme cases!) It depends on the pesticide being used and the person using it. Even if someone doesn’t have any immediate side effects it’s still getting onto the food we’re eating. Plus it gets into the soil, our water, and our environment.

Some organic gardeners simply swap synthetic pesticides with organic pesticides. But let’s look at the bigger picture first. Our backyard vegetable garden is a part of the overall ecosystem. Some bugs are helpful for plants (like pollinators and ladybugs) and we actually want them around. Botanical insecticides can sometimes also kill the good bugs.

Before pulling out the natural insecticide, here are some things to try first!

Organic Garden Pest Control: Is It Possible?

Controlling pests in the home garden is possible, but I’ll be honest… it takes some work! Nothing crushes your gardening dreams finding your cabbages chewed to bits overnight.

Step 1: Be Proactive!

Take the time to walk through the garden for 5 minutes every day. This is called “scouting.” Look at the plants, turn over the leaves, and check the soil for signs of pest damage — eggs, larvae, chewed leaves, etc.

If you see any damage signs, act immediately. And yes, if you really want an organic garden, that may mean hand-picking and even squishing bugs. I prefer the soapy bucket approach. If you find adult bugs or larvae that like to munch, remove them (or the leaf any eggs are attached to) and put them in a bucket of soapy water.

Hand-picking bugs and other pests out of the garden isn’t practical for a large-scale problem. But if you use the organic pest control steps above you’ll hopefully prevent out-of-control situations. Frequent and close observation means you’ll be ready before disaster strikes!

Step 2: Use Companion Planting

Some plants have natural properties that help others grow and deter pests when planted close by. Making use of these is a way to increase garden production and fit more plants into a smaller space. The following are a few popular companion plants:

  • Basil – Basil planted with tomato improves production and flavor. It’s also good for peppers and has been said to repel mosquitoes. I plant basil throughout the garden for its aroma and beneficial properties.
  • Borage – A great companion for tomatoes and cabbage as it repels both tomato hornworms and cabbage moths. It also helps strawberries and is beneficial to practically everything in the garden. I plant throughout.
  • Chamomile – A great companion for cabbage, cucumbers, onions, and all the brassicas. It improves flavor and is a great herb to have on hand. It attracts beneficial insects and has delicate and beautiful flowers. Plus it makes a yummy calming tea!
  • Dill – I like to plant this with cabbages, cucumbers, lettuce, and more. It improves flavor, helps repel pests, and is useful in making homemade pickles! Dill also attracts parasitic wasps that kill bugs like aphids and tomato worms. It can get pretty big so I plant in the middle of cucumber beds.
  • Catnip – Planted near squash and cucumbers it repels squash bugs and aphids. Steep the dried leaves in a tea to help soothe the stomach, and spray the tea on plants as a pest control spray!
  • Radishes – These can be planted throughout the garden and under plants like cucumbers to deter cucumber beetles.
  • Marigolds – Planted throughout the garden these help prevent nematodes and repel pests. They’ll flower all summer as long as you keep pulling the dead flowers off.
  • Nasturtiums – Another great companion flower to tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and more. The flowers are edible and are great in salads. They benefit melons and squashes as well.
  • Onions – These can be planted freely throughout the garden to deter pests from cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, cucumbers, and more. Intercropping a few with all of these plants can greatly reduce garden pests.
  • Sunflowers – Great companions and beautiful throughout the garden. Plant with cucumbers, beans, and vining plants to provide a trellis. They’re hardy and a great trap crop for aphids and other pests. They typically produce plenty of their own seeds to use next year.

There are many other great companion plants. Check out this chart for some other ideas.

Step 3: Use Homemade Pesticides and Repellants

Companion planting is helpful, but if you’ve already planted and are having trouble with pests, some homemade insecticides can be helpful:

  • Kelp tea helps deter Japanese beetles and aphids and nourishes plants. Spray once a week or so before and during infestation times.
  • A garlic and hot pepper spray (see recipe below) repels many garden insects and wildlife pests. It’s probably the most inexpensive option to make at home and isn’t harmful to you while applying. Use once a week or more for several weeks before and during infestation times.
  • Lemon balm tea repels squash bugs and aphids. Apply 2 or more times a week as needed.
  • A few teaspoons of baking soda in water can help prevent and treat fungus and powdery mildew on plants. Use as a preventative and acute treatment as needed.
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Hot Pepper Garden Pest Spray Recipe

This is my go-to homemade garden pest control spray and it works really well!
Author: Katie Wells


  • 2-4 cloves garlic
  • 4 cayenne peppers (or hotter peppers)
  • 2 TBSP olive oil (or other liquid oil)
  • 1 TBSP Castile soap
  • 2-3 cups hot water


  • Put garlic, peppers, oil, soap, and water in a blender and blend on high for several minutes.
  • Leave in a bowl or pitcher overnight or for at least 12 hours to intensify the effects of the garlic and peppers.
  • Strain through a towel, cheesecloth, or strainer and store in a glass jar.
  • To use, pour about 2 Tablespoons into a 16-ounce spray bottle (or 3 TBSP in a 24-ounce) and shake well.
  • Spray directly on plants as needed… I recommend wearing gloves!
  • Use as often as needed for preventative and pest-controlling effects.


If you don’t want to make your own they do make store-bought natural pepper sprays but I prefer the homemade version to avoid the paraffin wax they contain (made from petroleum). That said, it’s still better than spraying your garden with pesticides! Just be sure to wash produce well and also use a vegetable wash.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a good all-purpose prevention and treatment for any insect pests. Use with caution as it kills indiscriminately. I use DE mainly if I see slugs, snails, fleas, or insect larvae on plants, as it’s especially effective on these. Just sprinkle on plants as needed and reapply after watering or rain.

I buy food-grade DE and also use it for indoor pests like ants and as an internal cleanse for parasites in humans and animals. This is the brand we use.

Homemade Soap Spray Recipes

Another natural pesticide option is simply spraying soapy water on the bugs. You don’t want to use dish soap though as it can harm plants. Instead, opt for pure castile soap. If you use the type with added peppermint essential oil it also helps to ward off opportunistic insects!

  • To make insecticidal soap spray use 1/4 teaspoon (or up to 1 Tablespoon) of castile liquid soap for every quart of water. Spray this directly on bugs to help break down their exoskeleton.
  • You can also make a soap and oil spray that some consider to work better than soap alone. Use 1 teaspoon of castile soap to 1/3 cup of oil and mix well to make your soapy spray base. Use 1-2 teaspoons of this per 1 cup of water in a sprayer.

Test a small spot on the plant before you soak all of the leaves. Plants like beans, cucumbers, and peas do not like soap spray. This spray helps kill the following pests:

  • Mites
  • Aphids
  • Thrips
  • Scale insects
  • Whiteflies
  • Leafhoppers
  • Mealybugs

Store Bought Natural Pesticides

If you prefer to buy something more garden centers have organic pesticides available. Neem oil sprays are an increasingly popular pest control option. It comes from the neem tree which has a long history of use in warding off pests and as a fungicide to attack mildew. It’s also biodegradable and won’t harm birds and pollinators.

The cheapest way to buy it is as a concentrate and mix it with water yourself. If you can’t find some locally you can get it online here.

Another organic pesticide option is pyrethrum spray. It’s a stronger pesticide naturally produced by chrysanthemum flowers. While pyrethrum has been used since the 1800s, newer versions often use synthetic pyrethrins, the active ingredients in the flowers. These synthetic versions are more toxic and stick around longer in the environment.

While it is a heavy hitter and technically safe for organic gardening, there are safer natural pesticide options.

Step 4: Help Plants Stay Healthy by Fertilizing

Strong plants resist unwanted bugs more easily. Growing strong and healthy plants is an important step in protecting your garden from pests.

  • Kelp tea is not only a great way to naturally control garden pests, but it’s also a great foliar spray. Spray it on the leaves to nourish your plants (just don’t spray during the heat of the day). Sprinkling powdered kelp around plants can also have a nourishing effect.
  • Nettle tea is another plant-nourishing option to spray on plants. You can also add dried nettle leaves directly to the soil or compost.
  • Yarrow flower tea adds extra nutrients to plants. Use it to water your plants with. You can also sprinkle yarrow flowers throughout the garden which are said to have a pest-repelling effect.
  • Fish emulsion is a natural fertilizer that can be sprayed on the leaves of plants to help promote growth. It’s especially good for tomatoes. It smells awful but is very effective!
  • Bone and blood meal (like this) are high in nitrogen and very fertilizing to plants. Organic options are available and can be great if you are comfortable using them.

Step 5: Use Row Covers

Many flying pests see your garden as their ideal egg-laying station! Keep moths and other bugs from landing on your plants by using row covers. Floating row covers (fabric stretched over wire hoops) let light and water through but keep out pests who want to devour your precious produce.

Row covers are quite practical in small gardens and even extend the growing season a bit. It isn’t necessary to cover everything, but particularly vulnerable crops like potatoes, squash, and cabbage will benefit. They help protect against caterpillars, cabbage moths, and cabbage worms.

Netted covers can also help protect against squash borers. Just keep the covers on until the squash blossoms come in to deter borers.

Bottom Line on Natural Pesticides

It takes a little more work and planning, but it’s very possible to garden without toxic pesticides. The most important thing is to be observant so pests don’t have a chance to take over. The tasty (and healthy!) food you grow is well worth it!

Do you garden organically? What are your best tips and tricks for garden pest control?

Preventing bugs, insects, and other pests in an organic garden is a chore. Here's some natural ways to help keep them at bay.
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


61 responses to “Organic Pest Control for Gardens (Natural Options)”

  1. Tammy Avatar

    Katie or anyone else, Do you have experience using mosquito bits for a gnat infestation? It has been recommended in a lot of gardening sites and says it’s non-toxic but I would like to get other opinions.

  2. Teressa Avatar

    Hi. I’m dealing with a bad Japanese Beetle infestation on my apple tree and grapevine.

    I read that apple cider vinegar would kill them, so took a few cups out to sprinkle on them… or drop them into to kill.

    I ended up leaving the partially filled cups of vinegar on the porch for a few hours… when I came back to clean up (and spray some neem oil product – which works great, by the way)… and the beetles were kamikazing into the cups!!!

    Now the cups are full of dead beetles!

    Have you ever heard of them doing this before??? (I can share pics if possible)

    I am going to make a beetle trap for them with apple cider vinegar… so I hope this works and helps someone else too! These beetles are super destructive and ANNOYING!


  3. Candace Avatar

    Will spirulina powder work as well as as kelp? Only because I have a whole bag of spirulina…!
    Thank you!

  4. Jan St Anne Avatar
    Jan St Anne

    I have 6 peach trees and 4 pecan trees. I live in the country and there are lots of squirrels that attack the trees. They chew on the peaches and drop them down on the ground. They take the pecans and leave none for me. I don’t kill the squirrels and have tried many things to discourage them, but to no avail. Any ideas for me?

  5. Richelle Avatar

    Thanks for the great tips! I love companion gardening. I have heard that neem might kill bees.. might be worth looking into..

  6. Fiona Avatar

    I have also used Great Horsetail…that invasive weed that is so pretty….as a fungicide.
    I boil it up in a large kettle, let it steep for a while, strain and then spray on affected plants. The actual boiled plants I spread between rows or round roses to ward off fungus and mold.

  7. Debra Avatar

    Great readings , I too use many flowers to encourage growth of the vegetables and to deter pests, been oil is good mixed with a mild soap like ivory and a tsp of oil, I’ve found that worm castings are superior for soil quality and food production. Also I feed my tomatoes and pepper plants only fish emulsion and Epsom salt, I started all my plants by seed indoors and they are fed this and ate now 7 ft tall and loaded with fruit.another top is to save your banana peels, put them in a container of water, let sit for 3 days, water your plants with this, high course of potassium, plants need this and magnesium, it is not readily found in our soil, they need vitiams and no deals as we do..

  8. Cathy Avatar

    I have a ton of lemon balm in my garden, so I am intrigued about using it to deter squash pests. Do I just steep a bunch of it in water and spray it rather than buying the tea bags? I’d love to try this. My cukes and zukes are just starting to come out.

  9. Lisa Avatar

    What about keeping deer away? My husband doesn’t want a garden because we have deer visiting our yard sometimes.

    1. Candace Avatar

      Try a ScareCrow Motion Activated Animal Repellent. You hook it up to a hose, and it uses a battery for the motion sensor. When a deer comes around, it sends out a plume of water for about 3 seconds – enough to scare the deer away and not hurt a thing! It has worked great for keeping all my hostas safe – otherwise it was open salad bar!! Just make sure you turn it off when YOU are around!!

  10. George Avatar

    Great post about how to prevent and control pest in garden with help of basil. Thank you for recommendation!

  11. Cosette Avatar

    In your post about remineralizing your teeth and the body being able to absorb nutrients, wouldn’t blood and bone meal, especially the one you suggested, create the issue of high phosphoric foods?

  12. Dorothy Miller Avatar
    Dorothy Miller

    I would caution anyone making the pepper spray to add the liquid soap AFTER blending the other ingredients. I do not have a Vitamix, but my Oster blender is quite powerful. I had my hand on the lid when I started the blender, but it still blew the lid off, and I was able to switch it off quickly. So I thought, “maybe if I take half the ingredients out, it won’t blow off”. Should have thought again. This time it blew the lid off again, spraying my face. My daughter led me, blinded, to the shower where i stripped and rinsed in cold water. My face is still burning as I type. Aloe is helping. Perhaps the 5 cup carafe was too small. Next time, I’ll blend the garlic, oil, and water, grind peppers in the coffee mill and add, them, along with the dish soap to the water mixture. I hope this will have been worth the burns and effort to keep the bean and flea beetles away!

  13. Michele Avatar

    Can you tell me how you make kelp tea and where does one find powered kelp?

  14. Tiffany Avatar

    How do I prevent cut worms from eating into the stems of my zucchini and summer squash plants? I have had this issue over the past few years.

  15. Terry Avatar

    We have a big ant hill in our garden. Would the Diatomaceous earth work? Thanks.

  16. Emily Avatar

    Our biggest pest are slugs. Any of these work well for them? I think I’ll try the pepper spray. We already do ground eggshells and a salt pellet.

  17. Melissa Avatar

    Any tricks for keeping tomato worms off the tomatoes? We get them every year. They creep me out and chew off all the leaves of the tomatoes if you let them!

  18. Dave Sherva Avatar
    Dave Sherva

    Great post! Was wondering if you have ever used praying mantis in the garden. I live in Minnesota and hatched my first egg case in the garden. What blast it’s been watching them grow and they make a great conversation piece. Have a great day!

  19. carol Avatar

    can I spray any plants with garlic will it make difference to flavour of veg I am growing

  20. Samantha Avatar

    Hi, the leaves on my tamato tree has dried up and I noticed white line on the leaves. Can you tell me how I can prevent this and what is the cause. Thank you.

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