Yelp has over 135 million restaurant and business reviews worldwide. Whether you’re looking for a new pizzeria, a great coffee shop nearby, a new salon, or the best handyman in town. Read reviews, browse photos and menus, order takeout, see hours, locations, and other important information for any business you’re looking for.

Yelp puts great local businesses right at your fingertips. Discover new foods, hot spots, and local businesses near you! Plus, order delivery or pickup. The Yelp app is available for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.


Food Near You: Find Restaurants

  • Find the newest and the hottest spots to eat and drink nearby
  • Dine at local restaurants or get something to go
  • Easily make a reservation, order pickup or delivery, view restaurant menus—all from your phone
  • Read restaurant reviews from other Yelp users and scroll through photos to help you decide where to go

Review, Discover, and Add Photos

  • Discover local businesses and services like body shops and hair salons
  • Look up addresses and phone numbers for businesses near you
  • Read and write reviews, check-in to local businesses, upload photos, and add tips for other Yelp users
  • Browse photo galleries and add photos to share your experience
  • Redeem great check-in offers in your area or sign up for cash back

Find Shops, Get Quotes, and Hire Professionals

  • Find the coolest stores and best body shops complete with customer reviews and contact info
  • Hire local professionals for home renovation, car repair, landscaping, moving, and more
  • Get quotes from professionals, message contractors nearby, and book appointments with a click
  • Read millions of reviews by the Yelp community
  • Filter your searches by neighborhood, distance, rating, price, location, and hours of operation

Beauty – Pamper Yourself

  • Find highly-rated salons, spas, massage therapists, acupuncturists, and more near you
  • Book appointments through Yelp at the most relaxing staycation destinations

Search Filters

  • Filter your search results by neighborhood, distance, rating, price, open now, and other specifics like good for groups, full bar, cuisine type etc.
  • Look up addresses and phone numbers, call a business, and make reservations directly from the app

Other Features

  • Read millions of expert user reviews and browse through beautiful photos of each business
  • Write and read reviews, check-in to local businesses, order pickup or delivery, upload photos, book appointments, find a new activity, and add tips for other Yelp users

Find local restaurants, read customer reviews, order pickup or delivery, and search for businesses near you, all from the Yelp app.

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