Installed toward the end of the initial setup, T-Mobile’s AppSelector helps users find useful apps based on their phone behavior. However, the downside of this is that the application can automatically download unwanted apps and also comes with annoying notifications. The majority of phone users like to choose their apps and do their own research, so while some may find it useful, for others, it’s just another case of phone provider bloatware.

In addition to having recurring notifications, some complain that the apps that AppSelector automatically download are useless or, worse yet, unwanted. For budget Android devices with limited storage space, this could result in a huge headache of constantly having to uninstall new apps.

Lastly, AppSelector gains access to your usage data and transmits that to Unity, the software development company. This permission enables it to make app selections automatically but also shares your usage data to do so. For those concerned with privacy while using their smartphone, it makes a lot of sense to disable or uninstall AppSelector on T-Mobile devices.

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