You can also add the liquid to your engine oil via the oil filler cap at a ratio of one ounce per quart of oil, but the most effective way to clean deposits is using the aerosol spray. On most vehicles, you can disconnect the air intake tube and spray Sea Foam directly into the throttle body. Warm the engine up first, and empty the entire can of spray while an assistant keeps the engine running at 1,000 rpm above idle speed (usually between 500 and 2,000 rpm). After the can is empty, let the contents sit for about 10 minutes and then drive the vehicle for at least 10 more minutes to let Sea Foam do its work.

You’ll see white smoke coming from the tailpipe; this means Sea Foam is helping release and burn carbon deposits from your cylinder walls, piston rings, valves, and other engine components. The fuel additive will work to clean your fuel lines and absorb moisture in the fuel, while the solvents in the spray applied to the intake dissolve deposits inside the engine and assist in cleaning the fuel injectors.

The thickness of the smoke in the exhaust will tell you how much goop is being removed from inside your engine. This is the only time you’ll want to see a dense cloud coming from your tailpipe — this tells you that you’re getting your money’s worth from those cans of Sea Foam.

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