Walmart Canada is investing roughly $1 billion this fiscal year to modernize its Canadian “footprint,” as shared by The Canadian Press, Bloomberg.

Out of the $1 billion, roughly $300 million will be used for store remodels and renovations, appreciate expanding the produce areas with a larger assortment of products, likely organic and locally sourced items.

The remodelling will also result in more space for employees to prepare customer orders, alongside clearer aisle markers and signs to help customers steer the store.

In addition to the store remodels, Walmart Canada will also launch a “store of the future” concept in Mississauga, Ontario, which will showcase the latest innovations in retail technology.

Instead of locking tech behind product cases, the store will set up electronics in open displays, allowing customers to touch and assess them before buying. advocate, customers would also be able to see real-time product availability, scan a QR code to place orders and acquire immediate on-site delivery by an associate.

Lastly, the store will combine a pharmacy, vision centre and medical clinic in one location so customers can access these services near one another.

It was not shared where the remainder of the $1 billion investment will go.

The remodelling is part of a five-year transformation Walmart Canada announced in July 2020. Read more about it here.

Image credit: Walmart

Source: The Canadian Press, Via: Bloomberg

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