Two Vancouver tech leaders have launched a beta service called ‘Verification’ to help Canadians fight deepfake content.

This sort of content involves using artificial intelligence to create images, videos, and audio clips of things that never happened, usually to create harm, like spreading misinformation.

Verification’s technology uses 17 algorithms to monitor factors like blood flow and light sensitivity to determine the legitimacy of content.

The company is offering a Chrome extension to let users determine if a video is real or fake in real time with its detection tool.

Users who have deepfake content made about them can additionally opt for a service that allows the company to deal with the issue at every step. This includes filing a police report and contacting websites to take down the content.

“Verification offers the first service that will provide the ability to fully address cases involving non-consensual private videos without additional tools or systems,” the startup said in a statement.

Image credit: Shutterstock

Source: Verification

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