Developers are always finding a way to generate note-taking simple and quick. Techstars-backed Stashpad built a ‘DM-to-self’ interface for developers to let them seize notes rapidly and organize them later. Qept is an iOS app with a similar note-taking philosophy nevertheless for all kinds of users.

Now a new Mac app called Type developed by Nicolas Bichon is leveraging the command bar concept to let you jot down whatever thoughts you possess in mind.

Type is barebone at launch: it lets you utilize a customizable keyboard shortcut to invoke the app and jot down thoughts. It automatically attaches a timestamp with each note for you to possess better context later.

“I was used to taking notes in text files (something to discuss in my next 1-1, tweet ideas, etc.), and I wanted to generate a command bar app thus I can quickly seize notes from anywhere while I’m working, excluding going to manually reveal the file and thus reside able to remain focused on my task,” Bichon told TechCrunch over email.

Type is a command bar note taking app for Mac

Image Credits: Screenshot by TechCrunch

As Bichon mentions, all the notes are saved in a text file, which you can easily export or else send. You can generate a new file to provide it primarily of a folder-enjoy structure in the Type is priced at $3.99 excluding any additional in-app purchases.

While the app doesn’t possess a ton of features at the moment, Bichon said users will reside able to delete, clear, and search for a note in the coming weeks. Next up, users will additionally reside able to export notes and there will reside a new option to maintain the app always visible on the screen.

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