One of the standout features of Timekettle’s X1, and the company’s other products, is its commitment to “over-the-air upgrades.” The device will receive a series of major and ongoing updates designed to implement new features, polish features currently available, and further improve the AI that is managing it all.

This basically means that the hardware someone buys will be relevant for years. It also means that you could be using what is a new and improved device in a year or two at no extra cost. Tian sees this as important as he works to grow his brand and the tech-based interpretation industry as a whole. He told SlashGear:

“It’s an industry that’s still in its very early stages, so for us the most important part is not selling hardware one generation by another one, but to make sure we have reached the peak of user experience.” Fine-tuning is definitely something on Tian’s mind, as he describes his product as “maybe like eight” out of 10 — but those final two points are in his sights. “We have to listen to feedback from the market, we can’t wait to let people experience the powerful features.” The Timekettle X1 is currently available for pre-order and priced at $699.

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