With a project of this nature, you have to keep in mind that it’s totally for fun because you aren’t going to find many real-world uses for this, especially if you’re using it around your house. A home security system is much more practical if you’re using this for safety reasons. If you’re still up to the task, just pull up the instructions and get started. Things start off simple enough, and there’s a video to give you a look at what the end result is. At the end of the process, the creator suggests some other cool functions you can add to it. Some examples include taking a picture or even firing off a Tweet when the laser is tripped. That will take more programming time, and it might not be something you’re up to.

Having some knowledge of Raspberry Pi coding will help because you will need to write some basic functions, all listed in the instructions, to make it work. If you’re running into snags, there aren’t really any corners you can cut. The project simply won’t work as intended if you don’t find out how to detect when somebody trips the laser and makes a sound when it happens. This could potentially lead to some frustration, especially if this is your first Pi project, so just slow down and take your time.

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