Whenever you’re performing internet-intensive activities like online gaming or streaming movies, a hardline connection tends to be more reliable than a wireless one. The Starlink setup is wireless by default, but if you’d like a steadier connection, you can add an Ethernet Adapter to your setup. The original Starlink design included an ethernet port, but a separate adapter is required for the newer models. The Ethernet Adapter plugs directly into your Starlink router, providing a port for hard connections to your computer.

Speaking of routers, while the basic Starlink kit does come with one router, that router might not provide adequate signal if your home is especially large. In this case, you can upgrade to the Mesh Router, which can boost the signal further around your home through the use of Mesh Nodes. Every Node you set up receives the signal from the Mesh Router, serving as a relay point that more devices can connect to.

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