After you’ve left your Android to dry for a few days, give it a look-over. If it appears to be completely dry, you can reinsert the components (if you were able to remove them) and attempt to power them on. If you moved quickly enough and followed the steps correctly, your phone will hopefully be no worse for wear. Keep an eye on its functions over the following days, testing out its primary components, like the microphone and speaker, to ensure that everything is in proper working order.

If your Android won’t turn on after drying off, then, unfortunately, it is most likely dead. At this point, you should contact your phone’s manufacturer to discuss repair and replacement procedures. If you have insurance for your phone that covers water damage, you should be able to get a fresh one at no additional cost; otherwise, you’ll have to pay for repairs out of pocket.

If you were able to salvage your SIM card, you can have it inserted into a new phone to get most of your old data back. If you weren’t, well, hopefully, you had a cloud backup running on your old phone.

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