In response, manufacturers are turning to smaller, more modular “chiplets” that are designed for specific functions and can be linked together to build a system. But whether chiplets can help the industry maintain performance gains at the pace of Moore’s Law will depend on packaging, which entails placing them side by side or stacking them, forming fast, high-bandwidth electrical connections between them, and encasing them in protective plastic.  Read the full story.

—Mike Orcutt

Chiplets is one of MIT Technology Review’s 10 Breakthrough Technologies for 2024. Check out the rest of the list and vote for the final 11th breakthrough—we’ll reveal the winner in April.

Three technology trends shaping 2024’s elections

The biggest story of this year will be elections in the US and all around the globe. Over 40 national contests are scheduled, making 2024 one of the most consequential electoral years in history. 

While tech has played a major role in campaigns and political discourse over the past 15 years or so, and candidates and political parties have long tried to make use of big data to learn about and target voters, the past offers limited insight into where we are now. The ground is shifting incredibly quickly at technology’s intersection with business, information, and media.

Tate Ryan-Mosley, our senior tech policy reporter, has run down three of the most important technology trends in the election space that you should stay on top of. Read the full story.

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