The Cybertruck’s extremely large single windshield wiper might cost $165 USD (about $221 CAD) to exchange the arm/blade assembly and $75 USD (roughly $100 CAD) for just the wiper.

I guess if you’re already dropping at least $83,000 on an electric truck, what’s another $221 when you need to exchange its somewhat ridiculous-looking wiper? This news comes from @niccruzpatane, who uncovered the information in the Tesla parts catalogue (via The Verge).

The catalogue also appears to confirm that the Cybertruck’s wiper system includes just one blade and that a windshield replacement costs $1,900 USD (roughly $2,549 CAD).

In other Cybertruck-related news, the EV features a secret ‘Wade Mode‘ that pressurizes its battery so it can drive through bodies of water for short periods. The electric truck was also recently filmed struggling to climb up a hill, forcing it to be pulled by a Ford pick-up.

Image credit: Tesla

Source: @niccruzpatane Via: The Verge

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