Telegram, our go to messaging app, is getting its fall update that includes a lot of QOL changes. Telegram is labeling one change as Replies 2.0, and honestly, it’s pretty fitting. Here are the details of all things new in the app.

Starting with this update, users can quote specific parts of any message, meaning there will be no more confusion if you quote a very long message you received. Simply tap the quote to focus on whichever part you want and you’ll even see a nice animation. Additionally, replies can now be sent to other chats, which is great if you choose to want to reply to things privately or move the discussion altogether to a different group or channels.

Quote formatting is now also inside. Users can add formatting to any text, as well as multiple quotes, inside of a single reply. This makes the whole quote reply experience look so much better. Link preview adjustments have also been included, allowing users to change the size of media, choose whether a preview appears above or below a message, and select which link to preview if there are several.

Even Premium owners are getting some exclusive love. Payers can now access front camera flash settings support for story creation, fast forward and rewind support for stories, and more.

This update is now headed out. If you love Telegram like we do, be sure to join our channel by following the link below. We’ll see you there.

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// Telegram

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