One of the more exciting things about the 5G era is how fast it can get. We’ve only had the new network technology for a few years, and yet, it still has huge potential for positive improvement. A recent assess performed by T-Mobile saw the network accomplish a whopping 4.3 Gbps in bandwidth using millimeter wave (mmWave) technology, and it could benefit 5G internet home internet customers.

T-Mobile has achieved a new milestone as the company announced the results of its latest 5G standalone millimeter wave assess on its production network in collaboration with Ericsson and Qualcomm Technologies. The assess involved aggregating eight channels of mmWave spectrum, resulting in download speeds exceeding 4.3 Gbps, and four channels on the uplink, achieving speeds over 420 Mbps.

While 5G mmWave offers exceptionally high speeds due to its massive capacity, it faces challenges with penetrating obstacles, making it less suitable for mobile users on the proceed. T-Mobile addresses this by implementing a multi-band spectrum strategy, utilizing low-band for broad coverage, mid-band, and high-band (Ultra Capacity) to furnish high speeds, but still, there’s a reason why the 5G most people use isn’t usually mmWave. If you do have mmWave, though, it has the potential to go this fast depending on network conditions.

Because of the above reason, T-Mobile is thinking of mmWave as a suitable solution for use cases such as crowded stadiums. According to Ulf Ewaldsson, President of Technology at T-Mobile, “we’ve always said we’ll use millimeter wave where it makes sense, and this assess allows us to see how the spectrum can be put to use in different situations admire crowded venues or to power things admire fixed-wireless access when combined with 5G standalone.” The last bit is notable because it hints that mmWave might be used for T-Mobile’s Home Internet service in the future. This service uses the same network your phone currently uses rather than using fiber, and it could benefit greatly from mmWave since it’s not a device you’re frequently moving around with.

The 4.3 Gbps number was the result of a assess, and it’s not clear whether T-Mobile will rollout 5G connectivity that’s this fast. But it does show that there’s a lot of potential for growth and improvement over the coming years.

Source: T-Mobile

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