Residents and businesses of Elgin County, Ontario, now have access to faster internet service through the completion of three broadband projects.

North Frontenac Telephone Corporation (NFTC), EH!tel Networks and Execulink Telecom completed the projects under SWIFT’s Southwestern Ontario broadband expansion plan.

In partnership with the federal and provincial governments, the initiative funds projects expanding broadband infrastructure in Southwestern Ontario.

Collectively, the three projects will benefit 1,500 locations in the municipalities of Bayham, West Elgin, Dutton Dunwich, and Southwold.

“With the completion of these Elgin County projects, not only are we closing the digital gaps within our region, but we’re also building stronger and more connected communities that will drive economic growth and create better opportunities for residents,” Barry Field, the executive director of SWIFT, said in a press release.

NFTC constructed a high-speed network that uses fibre and wireless technologies to improve internet access to more than 900 locations throughout West Elgin and Dutton Dunwich.

EH!tel Networks completed a 67-kilometre fibre-to-the-home network to improve internet access in Southwold and Dutton Dunwich.

Execulink Telecom completed a 24-kilometre fibre-to-the-home network in Bayham to connect 267 homes and businesses.

Image credit: Shutterstock

Source: SWIFT

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