Sumatra PDF has a minimalistic design, and its simplicity is attained at the expense of many other features. As is characteristic of many portable applications, Sumatra takes up little disk space (compared to Adobe Reader’s 27.5mb setup file), and it starts up rapidly. It was designed for portable use in the sense that it’s just one file with no external dependencies so you can easily run it from external USB drive.

What’s New

  • Fix not showing tab text
  • Make menus in dark themes look more like standard menus (bigger padding)
  • Fix Bookmarks for folder showing bad file names
  • Update translations
  • Fix uninstaller crash
  • Disable lazy loading of files when restoring a session
  • Arm 64-bit Builds
  • Dark Mode (Menu Settings / Theme or Ctrl + K Command Next Theme) You Can Use I (Invert Colors) to Match the Background / Text Color of Rendered Pdf Document. Due to Technical Limitations, It Doesn’t Work Well With Images
  • I (Invert Colors) is Remembered in Settings
  • Cmdeditannotation Select Annotation Under Cursor and Open Annotation Edit Window
  • Rename Cmdshowcursorposition => Cmdtogglecursorposition
  • Add Annotations [ Freetextcolor, Freetextsize, Freetextborderwidth ] Settings
  • Ability to Move Annotations. Ctrl + Click to Select Annotation and Them Move via Drag & Drop
  • Add Cmdcommandpaletteonlytabs Command With Alt + K Shortcut
  • Exit Full Screen / Presentation Modes via Double Click With Left Mouse Button
  • Ability to Drag Out a Tab to Open It in New Window
  • Support Opening .avif Images (Including Inside .cbz/,cbr Files)
  • Respect Image Orientation Exif Metadata in .jpeg and .png Images
  • Support Adobe Reader Syntax for Opening Files /a “Page=#nameddest=search=
  • Add Next Tab / Prev Tab Commands With Ctrl + Pageup / Ctrl + Pagedown Shortcuts
  • Keep Home Tab Open; Add Nohometab Advanced Option to D’isable That
  • Add Context Menu to Tabs
  • Bugfix: Handle Files We Can’t Open in Next File in Folder / Prev File in Folder Commands
  • Command Palette: When Search Starts With >, Only Show Commands, Not Files (Like in Visual Studio Code)
  • Add Reopen Last Closed Command (Ctrl + Shift + T, Like in Web Browsers)
  • Add Clear History Command
  • Can Send Commands via Dde
  • Added Cmdopenwithexplorer, Cmdopenwithdirectoryopus, Cmdopenwithtotalcommander, Cmdopenwithdoublecommander Commands
  • Enable Cmdcloseothertabs, Cmdclosetabstotheright Commands From Command Palette
  • Recognize Pgup / Pgdown and a Few More in Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Add -disable-auto-rotation Cmd-line Print Option

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