Google-owned Waze, a navigation platform best known for its very active community and real-time traffic updates, is releasing several new features that aim to make driving safer.

The new features, which will arrive in 2024, include notifications about upcoming speed limit changes, more detailed information regarding parking garages like the availability of EV chargers, advanced alerts related to emergency vehicles along your route and even local navigation notifications tied to speed bumps, toll booths, sharp curves and potholes.

The platform is also getting more detailed instructions related to roundabouts, which always seem to confound North American drivers with their mysterious ways despite being pretty straightforward.

Given Google Maps’ and Waze’s teams have reportedly recently been combined as a cost-cutting effort, I’ve always expected the community-powered navigation app to disappear someday, but given these new updates are rolling out over the next year, it appears that’s not the case.

For more details on the updates coming to Waze, check out Google’s blog post. Waze is available on iOS and Android.

Image credit: Google

Source: Google

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