Stardock Entertainment announced today that Sins of a Solar Empire II, the sequel to its popular strategy game, is launching on PC via Steam this summer. The publisher didn’t specify an exact date but said that the game is currently available to wishlist. Sins of a Solar Empire II has been available on the Epic Games store since October 2022, where it launched in beta form.

Sins II features three playable races — the Trader Emergency Coalition, the Vasari Empire and the Advent Unity — each with a distinct playstyle. Each race has two sub-factions, and there are various minor NPC factions players can befriend via an influence system. The sequel also features orbiting planets, which can change the landscape of the battlefield. The Steam release also features an in-game mod browser and modding tools.

Brian Clair, Stardock’s director of publishing, said in a statement, “With new ways to play, new tactical options, and new strategic elements, the time is right to bring Sins of a Solar Empire II to a new audience on Steam. We’ve spent the past year bringing free monthly content updates to the game on the Epic Games Store, where it’s been positively reviewed by fans, and look forward to sharing all that work with Steam players while continuing to bring even more new content to the game.”

Update: Stardock Entertainment gave GamesBeat a statement about the content for Sins of a Solar Empire II on both PC game stores: “Sins of a Solar Empire II was first available to purchase on Epic in October of 2022 in Technical Alpha, and we are now approaching the one-year mark for exclusivity on Epic since coming out of Early Access. As with all our games, we view Sins II as an ongoing service, and Epic has been a great partner (and continues to be) in helping us grow our audience and evolve over time. As revealed today, we’ve been working on a massive update for the past several months to coincide with the Steam release this summer – and this update will also be made available to our Epic fans for free.”

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