If you’re a resident of the internet, you maybe heard about the latest advertising controversy regarding Apple and a “crushing of creativity” with its latest Crush ad spot.

To defend Apple’s ad group, I actually think it was a cool ad. The idea was, they were taking a bunch of stuff, like musical instruments, arcade cabinets, books, etc. and smashing it all into an iPad Pro because that’s what you can do with one. Naturally, individuals in need of some time outdoors saw this as Apple literally smashing our humanity and the act of creativity itself. I’ll surrender that if your ad can be misinterpreted that way, you should just come up with a better idea.

Now, Samsung has responded to Apple’s Crush ad with its own UnCrush campaign. Following the original ad, people were upset that Apple destroyed real items. Oddly, Samsung is doing no better, with what appears to be a bunch of destroyed things, such as a guitar, in a setting that is very similar to the aftermath of Apple’s ad.

In Samsung’s ad, a person picks up a busted guitar, then uses a Galaxy Tab to show music and tablature for them to play. It ends with the tag of, “Creativity cannot be crushed.”

This spot is Samsung doubling down on the misinterpretation of Apple’s ad here, which as a 3rd-party, is frustrating. We know that Apple’s original idea was not to crush creativity. They were simply shoving everything they could into an iPad to give potential buyers an idea of everything you can do with one.

Watch both ads below and share your opinion down in the comments. Feel free to take all of this way too seriously.

Apple’s Original Crush Ad

Samsung’s UnCrush Rebuttal Ad

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