Take-Two, the parent company of developer Rockstar Games (you may have heard of them; they make a little series called Grand Theft Auto) is nothing if not… we’ll call it fiercely protective. Whether that’s sending leakers to prison for life or slamming fan projects with a cease and desist, Take-Two has never been afraid to be litigious, and now that apparently extends to the alphabet as well.

Remedy Entertainment, who develop the popular, often metatextual Alan Wake and Max Payne franchises, has been slammed with a Take-Two lawsuit. The point of contention? Remedy’s new logo, which Take-Two insists will confuse the public and hurt Rockstar Games’ standing. This seems to arise from the fact that both Remedy and Rockstar’s logos feature the letter R, indicating that Take-Two apparently thinks the general public can’t possibly comprehend the idea of two companies that start with the same letter.

What makes this even stranger is that Rockstar and Remedy have a close working relationship, having collaborated on 2012’s Max Payne 3 – not to mention the fact that they’re working together to remake the first two Max Payne games as I type this. That’s bound to make things awkward at the office.

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