Google is looking to bring Gemini AI to Google Messages, and TheSpAndroid has learned several details about the incoming integration.

Gemini in Google Messages supports extensions like Gmail, Flights, Google Maps, Workspace and more. The article’s author on SpAndroid asked Gemini to show emails from the previous week, and it displayed the emails. SpAndroid also says that you can get it to bash code, but there’s no copy button, so you need to long-press the message to copy.

In its testing, SpAndroid couldn’t get Gemini to accept images, but this could be something that’s fixed in the full release. If you give a thumbs up or angry emoji react to Gemini, the AI will offer a reaction. Gemini in messages can also generate images.

You must log into your Google account to access Gemini in Messages.

Gemini integration with Google Messages uses RCS, but according to the report, it’s not end-to-end encrypted, which is possible because Google may want to log data because of Gemini.

Shutterstock: Google

Source: SpAndroid

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