Your PS5 features onboard digital storage, as well as support for external storage like USB drives and M.2 SSDs. Even if you have a lot of storage space available, though, that doesn’t mean it’s unlimited. Like any computer, the PS5 needs storage space available not just to store game files and save data, but various temporary and incidental files for regular operation. If your storage is full to bursting, not only can’t you download any more games, but your PS5’s performance may start to suffer. This is why you should make a habit of cleaning out your PS5’s storage by removing any files you don’t need. The big space-hoggers are games and apps — if you’ve finished a game, or just haven’t played it in a while, you should delete it from your local storage to free up some space. Here’s a quick reminder of how to delete games:

  1. From the PS5 Home screen, select Settings.

  2. Select Storage.

  3. Select Games and Apps.

  4. Select Delete Content.

  5. Select the data you want to delete, then press the Delete button.

Save data is stored separately, so if you ever want to play a game again, you can just redownload it from the PS Store. Though, on a similar note, you shouldn’t download games randomly if you don’t actually intend to play them. Stay focused on what you’re playing, and your PS5 will thank you.

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