Prime95 has been a popular choice for stress / torture testing a CPU since its introduction, especially with overclockers and system builders. Since the software makes heavy use of the processor’s integer and floating point instructions, it feeds the processor a consistent and verifiable workload to test the stability of the CPU and the L1/L2/L3 processor cache. Additionally, it uses all of the cores of a multi-CPU / multi-core system to ensure a high-load stress test environment.

How it works:

This page describes what you will need to participate in GIMPS and how it works on your computer. This page is aimed at people with Intel-compatible personal computers, although in many cases it is possible for UNIX and Mac users to participate as well.

In brief, you need:

  1. A relatively modern computer – though very old computers can still be useful to help other computers find primes.
  2. Your computer on and running more often than off – at least most of the time – it’s OK to go on holidays, vacations, etc.
  3. Time and patience – testing for a prime can take weeks even on the fastest computers and months on very old computers.
  4. An Internet connection available at least once every two months – more often is preferred, weekly or daily is ideal .

GIMPS requires a modern PC that is on most of the time. The program runs at the lowest possible priority. You should not see any impact on your system’s performance. The program will use about 32MB of memory and about 50MB of disk space. WARNING: Running the program continuously will use about 40 watts of additional power, about the same as an energy-saving compact florescent lamp – your electric bill will go up just a little bit.

Most importantly, you will need a lot of patience. Roughly speaking it will take about a month to run a single primality test – visit the benchmark page for a more accurate estimate on your computer.

Setup Instructions for New Users:

Joining GIMPS is usually as simple as downloading and running the program, answering a few questions, and the program does the rest. There are cash awards for discovering a new Mersenne prime!

  1. If you have not done so, CREATE YOUR USERID. It’s optional, but required to check your account details, computer status and performance statistics and to assign computers to your user ID.
  2. Download the appropriate free program for your OS
  3. Create a directory and decompress the file you just downloaded. Windows 7, Vista, and XP have built-in unzip features. Other Windows users can choose from a variety of decompression programs. We use 7-zip. Linux and FreeBSD users should use the standard tar and gzip decompression utilities.
  4. Start the program! (Linux and FreeBSD users should run the program from the command line with a -m switch, i.e. “./mprime -m”). Enter your optional userID created on the website in Step 1, and optionally name your computer. We recommend Windows users select Options, Start at Bootup or Start at Logon.

That’s all you need to do! The program contacts a central server called PrimeNet to get some work to do. Usually the program and PrimeNet know the best work to assign, but it’s up to you!

You can administer your account and computers on your userID’s account page. Once you complete a workunit you can track your standings on the competitive stats pages the server updates every hour (see Top Producers in the menu, left, for more stats). You can monitor each of your computers’ progress, even remote-control the work assignments they request using your userID’s CPUs page!

Linux and FreeBSD versions can also be set up to run every time you restart your computer. Ask for help at the Mersenne Forum.

Questions and Problems:

Please consult the readme.txt file for possible answers. You can also search for an answer, or ask for help in the GIMPS forums. Otherwise, you will need to address your question to one of the two people who wrote the program. Networking and server problems should be sent to Scott Kurowski. Such problems include errors contacting the server, problems with assignments or userids, and errors on the server’s statistics page. All other problems and questions should be sent to George Woltman, but please consult the forums first.


See GIMPS Terms and Conditions. However, please do send bug reports and suggestions for improvements.

What’s New

  • Intel Alder Lake support. Improvements to stage 2 of P-1, ECM. Added P+1 factoring.
  • Warning: upgrading in the middle of P-1 stage 2 will restart P-1 stage 2 from scratch

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