Canada has three national mobile providers, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses, as shown in Opensignal’s recent mobile network experience report.

When it comes to 5G availability, Rogers takes the top spot. According to the analysis, Rogers customers spent more time connected to an active 5G signal than to Bell and Telus customers. Rogers’ 5G availability score sat at 9.9 percent. “The higher the percentage, the more time users on a network spend connected to 5G,” Opensignal notes in its report.

The Toronto-based service provider also took top spots in the 5G video experience category, 5G games experience, and 5G upload speed categories.

Opensignal users on Rogers network experienced an average upload speed of 31.6Mbps, nearly 30 percent faster than Bell’s and Telus’ statically tied speeds of 24.4Mbps.

Bell had the fastest average 5G download speeds at 196.2Mbps, 16 percent faster than Telus’ 169.2Mbps, which took second place. Compared to Opensignal’s last report in August 2023, Bell’s speeds increased by nearly 13 percent, Telus 14.5 percent and Rogers 2.5 percent.

Telus and Bell are joint winners in the 5G coverage experience category, which measures the extent of mobile networks where users live, work and travel. Both had scores of 5.1 out of 10, and Rogers scored 3.3.

The carriers hold similar positions when it comes to examining the overall user experience of their mobile networks. The 2024 5G experience report includes data collected between October 1st and December 29th, 2023.

It found that Rogers’ network offered Canadians the most consistent quality on a mobile network. This category measures whether a network can support mobile app requirements and other typical tasks, such as video calling or uploading an image, without lag.

As seen with its 5G network, the Toronto-based provider also offered the best video-on-demand and live video experiences. It also outranked its competitors by offering the fastest upload speeds at 12.3Mbps. Bell offered the fastest overall download speeds at 77Mbps.

When examining the coverage experience, which measures how users experience a network as they move around different coverage areas, the analysis ranked Bell and Telus as joint winners.

Source: Open Signal (5G experience report), Mobile Network Experience Report 

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