Apple iMessages on iPhone stock photo 4

Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority


  • When asked how he feels about green bubbles on his iPhone, Barack Obama indicates he couldn’t care less.
  • Google has been highlighting iMessage’s problems with Android phones a lot recently.
  • Obama also reveals his iPhone dock is pretty standard, and he spends too much time playing Words With Friends.

Over the past few years, Google has been making a big to-do about the problems with Apple’s texting platform known as iMessage. Android phones and iMessage don’t play nice together, with messages from Android users turning chat bubbles green and breaking many features. Google has unified texting on Android through its RCS-based Messages app, but Apple won’t adopt RCS, so the two platforms will continue to be at odds.

During an interview on Decoder, a program run by The Verge, former United States President Barack Obama chimed in on the green bubble phenomenon. Host Nilay Patel asked Obama about the apps he keeps on his iPhone dock (the four apps that appear at the bottom of the home screen at all times). When Obama mentioned iMessage was one of them, Patel asked if he “gives any people crap for being a green bubble.” Obama responded with a shake of his head, saying, “No, I’m OK.”

.@reckless asked former President Barack Obama a very important question: what apps does he keep in his iPhone dock? The good news? Obama doesn’t care if you’re a green bubble.

Perhaps if Obama can look past green bubbles invading his iMessage chats, the rest of the world can, too.

Elsewhere in the interview, Obama talks about how he spends too much time playing Words With Friends and needs to stop himself from constantly checking his NBA League Pass app. You can watch the full Decoder interview to hear Obama talk about AI, the internet in general, and free speech.

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