It’s the first Monday of the month, so Google did as it typically does – it released the Android security bulletin. Nope, it didn’t drop a Google Pixel update on us yet, because Google de-committed from that schedule earlier this year and essentially confirmed that they wanted more update freedom starting with Android 14 and the Pixel 8.

Backing up for a second, take this as yet another reminder that the first-Monday Google Pixel update schedule hasn’t been around for some time. We pointed this out many moons ago and then Google confirmed the end of the first-Monday schedule in October. They said within minutes of the Pixel 8 launch that “updates won’t roll out on a specific day each month” any longer, but only when they have “completed the necessary tests” and are truly ready.

Since it’s the first Monday of November, you may have been looking forward to an update on your Pixel device. The thing is, it could still show up today. It could show up tomorrow or Wednesday or next Monday or the following Wednesday too. We don’t know and that’s probably OK, although we are creatures of habit will undoubtedly miss that first-Monday fun of each month. That said, Google does love Mondays and Wednesdays, so don’t be that surprised if we still often get updates on these days throughout a month.

As for the new November Android security bulletin (here), the Android team once again addressed several security vulnerabilities and provided a lengthy list of them for partners. They even mentioned in a note that “Information on the latest over-the-air update (OTA) and firmware images for Google devices is available in the November 2023 Pixel Update Bulletin,” while linking to the bulletin, which is not yet live (here).

We’ll let you know once that update drops.

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