Some Bell customers in the Oshawa, Ontario region are days into a service outage with few updates on a resolution.

Bell first tweeted about a “service interruption” on May 6th and noted that a fibre line cut by a third party caused the problem. The issue impacts internet, telephone, IPTV and mobility services in Oshawa.

On the 7th, Bell tweeted that its teams were “on-site and working around the clock to restore service as quickly as possible.” Then Bell tweeted again on the 8th that it’s still working on restoring services. Bell said there was “substantial damage” caused by the fibre cut but claimed to be “making progress” and that some customers should see services “restored as early as this evening.”

Replies to Bell’s tweets are full of frustrated customers, many of whom highlight a lack of clarity about what’s going on. One person even said they received an email from Bell saying the problem was resolved but that they were still experiencing connection issues.

MobileSyrup has reached out to Bell regarding the outage and will update this post with any additional details.

Source: Bell Via: iPhone in Canada

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