If today you asked, “How much more corrupt can Justice Thomas look?” The answer is none, none more corrupt. Thomas is a walking god damn red flag for reforming the Supreme Court and applying some or any ethics rules they are legally bound by.

Suppose you recall that fishy loan that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginny received from “a friend” for purchasing a $267k recreational vehicle. Youl likely would not be surprised to learn that new evidence from a senate committee’s investigation shows that after five years of only paying the interest, Justice Thomas’ creditor declared the loan paid in full and released the judge from the debt.


Clarence Thomas never repaid a millionaire friend’s $267,000 loan which the Supreme Court justice used to buy a 40-foot luxury motorcoach, Senate investigators announced Wednesday.

Healthcare magnate Anthony Welters told the Senate Finance Committee he forgave the RV loan after five years of receiving payments on the interest but not the principal, the report states.

“Now we know that Justice Thomas had up to $267,230 in debt forgiven and never reported it on his ethics forms,” Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, (D-OR) said in a statement.

Not many people are fortunate enough to have friends who loan us nearly $300,000 to buy an RV, and then forgive the loan without repayment. Justice Thomas truly is blessed.


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