Though Musk had taken jabs at Google before, specifically noting issues with the platform’s News page, his viper tongue has been taking lashes at the platform since the Gemini bias started to make traction. Since then, he’s been actively pinpointing specific instances where Google’s search has shown the same bias, such as when he prompted the engine with “why censorship…” Musk even went beyond lambasting the platform and started targeting employees of Google, including product lead Jack Krawczyk, who he accuses of being “a big part of why Google’s AI is so racist & sexist.”

In his flood of posts on X, Musk has called for firings at Google in response to the “insanely racist and sexist” Gemini image generator. In an alleged follow-up call with the unnamed Google executive, where it was revealed the fix for Gemini would take months, Musk claimed to have stated, “Unless those who caused this are exited from Google, nothing will change, except to make the bias less obvious and more pernicious.”

And yet despite his growing concern over Google and his evident anger toward Gemini, he’s remained silent on the potential for developing his own search engine. Maybe having failed to deliver on the AI search upgrade for X put into perspective the cost, staffing, and time needed to mimic Google’s search engine success.

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