To transfer the ownership of any file in your Google Drive, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Log in to Google Drive.
  2. Locate the file you wish to transfer ownership of.
  3. Right-click on the file.
  4. Select Share from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click on Share.
  6. Enter the email address of the person you’re transferring ownership to.
  7. Hit Send.
  8. Right-click on the file again.
  9. Navigate to Share > Share.
  10. Under People with access, find the individual you just shared the file with.
  11. Click on the Editor tag next to their email.
  12. In the drop-down menu, select Transfer ownership.
  13. Press Send Invitation in the prompt that appears.
  14. Hit Done to exit the Share panel.

The other person will then receive an “Invitation to own” email, where they can press Accept or Decline. Until they accept the invitation, they’ll remain an Editor for the file. Once they do accept, your role will be changed to Editor, and you can still view and edit the file as you please.

However, note that the new owner can choose to downgrade your access level to Viewer or Commenter or remove your access from the file at any time. If they do revoke your access, the file will still appear in your Google Drive, but you won’t be able to open or edit it. In case you need to regain access, right-click on the file, select Request access, and wait for the new owner to approve the request.

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