Like many other browsers, Safari has an automatic bookmark import functionality the first time you use it. However, importing an HTML bookmark file is just as easy. To import your bookmarks into Safari: 

  1. Open Safari. 
  2. Click File. 
  3. Select Import From. 
  4. Choose Bookmarks HTML File.
  5. Select the bookmark HTML file from Chrome. 
  6. Click Import. 

Safari also has a feature to transfer bookmarks. To use it, go to File > Import From and select Chrome to install your bookmarks. In addition, like many of these tools, passwords for logins can also be imported from Google Chrome profiles. 

Ultimately, regardless of whether you use Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome as your browser, importing and exporting Google Chrome bookmarks is a breeze. Because bookmarks are saved in such a common and simple HTML format, it makes it easy to retain them across different browsers. Though many modern browsers now have built-in features to make importing bookmarks even easier, doing it manually yourself is super simple. 

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