After successfully logging in, you will find yourself at the familiar Linux command line prompt. Your first order of business here is configuring the firmware file for the controller board. Enter the Klipper directory by typing “cd ~/klipper/” followed by the command “make menuconfig” to begin the configuration process.

This will bring up a GUI allowing you to create a firmware file specific to the controller board found in your 3D printer. Don’t let the configuration menu intimidate you. All settings relevant to your 3D printer controller board are listed at the top of the corresponding configuration file, available in the Klipper master configuration repository.

If you are presented with a “permission denied” error message upon entering any command, prefix the command with “sudo” to override all access restrictions. For example, the previous command will be “sudo make menuconfig” instead.

The config repository has ready-to-use files for most major consumer 3D printers. It also includes example configurations for custom 3D printers built upon popular controller boards, such as RAMBo, MKS Robin, Duet, and BigTreeTech. Once the controller board settings are configured correctly, type “make” to generate the firmware file titled “klipper.bin.”

While you are still SSHed into the Pi, type out the command “ls /dev/serial/by-id/*” and note down the output value. We will need it later to tell Klipper how to access the MCU on the controller board.

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