If you’re accepted into the Path to Apple Card program, you’ll receive a personalized list of steps that have to be completed based on why you were declined. While these steps vary from person to person, it often boils down to three simple things — make your required payments on time, lower your credit card and personal loan debt, and resolve past due balances. Doing this will give you a 14-day window to reapply with the Path to Apple Card program; if you miss this window, you’ll still be able to reapply but you may not have any of the steps you completed during it considered.

Filing for bankruptcy, a charge-off, getting your vehicle repossessed, having your house go into foreclosure, or having an account go into collections will all end your Path to Apple Card eligibility. To put it simply, if you’re making enough money that allows you to pay your bills on time and you don’t have any big red flags show up in a credit check, your chances of being approved a exponentially higher than somebody who doesn’t meet that criteria.

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