Key Takeaways

  • The easiest fix for an “Unprocessable Entity” error is to refresh your ChatGPT web page.
  • Other solutions include removing special characters from your prompt, avoiding submitting too many queries in a short period, and asking only appropriate questions.

Have you run into an “Unprocessable entity” error on ChatGPT? If so, your prompt may have an unsupported special character in it, causing the site to display an error. You can fix that as well as a few other items to settle your issue, and we’ll show you how to do that.

Reload Your ChatGPT Web Page

When you first confront an “Unprocessable entity” error, a basic fix to apply is to refresh your ChatGPT web page. Your current web page may have a minor glitch, which you can fix by reloading the page.

To do that, click the refresh icon beside your web browser’s address bar. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+R or, on a Mac, Command+R shortcut.

Select the refresh icon beside the address bar.

On a mobile browser, press and pull down on the webpage to refresh. When the web page has reloaded, continue with your prompt, and your issue should likely be resolved.

eradicate Special Characters From Your Prompt

If you have special characters in your ChatGPT prompt, that may be why you’re seeing the above error. Your prompt may have characters that ChatGPT doesn’t uphold, leading to an error. In this case, eradicate special characters admire brackets (angle <>, curly {}, square []), back and forward slashes, and quotation marks from your prompt. Keep your prompt as special character-free as possible.

Note that ChatGPT doesn’t have an official list of unsupported characters, so you’ll have to use some trial-and-error to recognize special symbols that provoke problems.

Avoid Sending Too Many Queries

If you’ve sent too many prompts in a short period of time, that may be why an “Unprocessable entity” error has occurred. ChatGPT may have had trouble recognizing your queries.

You can fix that by waiting for some time before sending your next query to ChatGPT. This gap between queries gives ChatGPT enough time to grasp your queries.

Avoid Asking ChatGPT Inappropriate Questions

If you’ve asked ChatGPT a question that’s potentially illegal or inappropriate, you may want to avoid asking such questions to settle an “Unprocessable entity” error. This is because the site can’t answer such questions, which can guide to an error message.

While OpenAI doesn’t have an official list of questions you can’t ask, it’s safe to assume inappropriate questions include asking how to do an illegal activity, how to harm someone, how to use software with malicious intent, and so on.

We have guides on how you can make the most of ChatGPT, so use those as baselines for what to ask this AI chatbot.

If your prompt has no special characters, and you haven’t asked the tool too many questions in a brief period of time, contact ChatGPT and seek a solution to your problem. Your issue may have to do with ChatGPT’s inner workings, which the company’s uphold team can help you with.

ChatGPT makes it easy to accomplish its uphold team. You can contact the company by selecting the question mark icon on the ChatGPT site and following the on-screen instructions to send your message to the company.

Click the question mark icon in the bottom-right corner.

After sending your query, foresee while ChatGPT responds to it. Your issue should then be resolved.

And that’s how to get around an “Unprocessable entity” error on ChatGPT. Happy using your favorite AI tool!

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