When considering whether to enable Chrome flags, it’s crucial to be mindful of the risks associated with them.

Firstly, understand that Chrome flags are experimental features still in development. As such, they may not be as stable or reliable as standard browser features. Additionally, these options may not undergo the same thorough security testing as stable features, meaning your browser could be more susceptible to vulnerabilities. If you handle sensitive information online, trying out experimental features might not be the best option.

In some cases, flags can also bring about website compatibility issues as well as interfere with the proper functioning of the browser. This can result in the loss of bookmarks, browsing history, or other saved data.

Lastly, Chrome flags are subject to frequent updates and changes. The experimental features you enable today may be modified, moved, or removed in browser updates. This can lead to inconsistencies and unexpected behavior if you come to rely on flags for your browsing preferences. If you’re uncertain or uncomfortable with the potential downsides, it might be best to stick with the stable, default settings of the browser.

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