During a recent high school basketball game in Montgomery County, Texas, Willis High School coach Jeremy Clark became frustrated with the behavior of one of his players, Javin Allen, age 17. Apparently Allen was arguing with his opponents and referee. Clark benched Allen. Following the away game, Allen and his 22-year-old brother confronted Clark in the parking lot and beat him up.

“I would have never thought in a million years this would happen to me with this his particular kid,” Allen told NBC News.

From the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office statement:

Upon returning to Willis High School, Jevin and his family were waiting in the parking lot. The coach went into the school, and when he went out into the parking lot, Jevin and his family were still there.

As they approached the victim, they began a verbal confrontation, which led to Jevin punching the victim in the face. At that same time, Jevin’s brother, Jarrick Allen (22 years of age), also began assaulting the coach.

Another coach witnessed the assault and attempted to break it up along with several unidentified bystanders. Once the fight broke up, both suspects fled the scene.

Police quickly located the brothers, arrested them, and charged them with assault on a public servant.

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