There are a few good reasons to use vanish mode on Instagram. The first is privacy. Maybe you’re sharing sensitive information in your chat, or you’re having a difficult conversation you’d rather not be dredged up later. Whatever the case, vanish mode will ensure that your conversation is not preserved in amber. Of course, there’s still the possibility the other person in the chat screenshots or otherwise saves your message before it disappears, although in most cases Instagram will notify you if someone screenshots a vanish mode message.

Additionally, you might not want Meta to store your messages. Although Instagram messages are end-to-end encrypted, which theoretically prevents the company from seeing them, using vanish mode will ensure that your message data is completely erased after a short period of time.

While there are certainly other messaging platforms that have more robust ephemeral messaging capabilities, vanish mode is also more convenient than switching to another app appreciate Snapchat if the person you’re messaging is already on Instagram’s platform. It’s always good to see more privacy settings on Instagram, no matter how often you use them.

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