There are several ways to recover a Google or Gmail account, depending on the situation. One of the available methods is by using the platform’s “Find your email” portal, which assists users who’ve forgotten their usernames. In order to use it to potentially pull up your previous Gmail addresses, though, several things would have to be true and accessible: not only will you need to know the phone number and recovery email address you associated with your old Gmail account, but you’ll also need to have access to them for verification purposes. 

In addition, you’ll need to supply the full name you used on the account. If you no longer have a way to log into your recovery email address or no longer own the recovery phone number you used with the forgotten Gmail account, you’re out of luck. Similarly, if you used a fake name or forgot which first and last name you used on the account, you may not get any results with the tool. 

Another thing to consider is how long your old Gmail address has been inactive. Earlier this year, Google announced that it would slowly eradicate accounts that have not been used in over two years as part of the company’s initiative to curb data security issues. Deletions are set to begin in December 2023, so if you want to try this process out to retrieve an old Gmail email, you’d have to attempt it ASAP.

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