Image for article titled Hasbro's New Deadpool and Wolverine Figures Are Not Deadpool & Wolverine Figures

Image: Hasbro

Truly, it is the week of “here is merchandise featuring Deadpool and Wolverine, but it’s definitely not Deadpool & Wolverine merchandise, because licensing takes time.” Just after we got to see some rad Logan and Wade art, Hasbro has announced two updated movie figures of the irascible mutant duo… but it’s mostly so you have something to hold you over until actual Deadpool & Wolverine toys happen.

Today Hasbro announced updated re-releases of two Marvel Legends Deadpool “Legacy Collection” figures of Deadpool and Wolverine. They are, for the most part, re-releases of prior figures from past Deadpool movies and Hasbro’s brief run of X-Men anniversary figures, with a couple of tweaks. But it’s also a very convenient way for the toy maker to go “Look, Deadpool and Wolverine figures!” while fans still find themselves poring over the trailer for the third Deadpool movie.

No doubt Hasbro is working on toys for the film, but they’ll take a while—and between myriad licensing and likeness deals, and the simple act of making toys in the first place, announcing them will take some time, and even then, they probably won’t be out until after the movie drops this summer anyway. Take a look at Hasbro’s Star Wars team and the recent reveal of figures based on The Acolyte for example: sure, there was the surprise of getting to see the toys revealed the day after the trailer dropped, but even then, they’re not going to be out until well after the show’s first season has concluded. Making stuff takes time, and at least this way Hasbro will have a Movie Deadpool and a Movie Wolverine on shelves in the run up to the new movie. You just gotta squint a little.

The Legacy Collection Deadpool and Wolverine will release sometime this Spring, for $25 apiece, and will be available to preorder from Monday, April 1 (or “April Pools-day,” as Hasbro is dubbing it). Click through to see more pictures!

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