Before the One UI 6.0 update, another big gripe I had with tablet-based DeX was how jarring it was to switch between it and the standard Android interface. Apps would have to be relaunched, wallpaper would change, and there was a lot of stuttering as the UI rearranged itself. But with One UI 6.0, DeX is now a much more seamless transition, not only on New mode but Classic as well.

Apps that were already in windowed mode now carry over into both New and Classic mode when DeX is launched, which means you’ll find yourself relaunching apps far less often than before. Another pleasant addition is the ability to use New DeX in portrait orientation. Classic DeX, however, remains locked to landscape.

Once DeX is launched, the performance improvements remain clear. I found no lag when dragging or resizing apps, nor when launching them from the app drawer or minimizing them to the taskbar. Additionally, there were no app crashes during my day of testing. This level of performance is delivered in both New and Classic DeX.

On One UI 5, DeX always felt a bit admire trying out beta software, so these performance improvements are a massive step forward. No longer do apps feel admire they’re being pushed to their breaking point, plagued by flickering and stuttering. Instead, everything feels fluid and deliberate.

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