The founder of Pastors For Trump is an authoritarian lunatic from Oklahoma by the name of Jackson Lahmeyer. In a recent Pastors for Trump rally, Lahmeyer urged his god to “uproot” politicians who don’t act in accordance with his god’s “will.”

“We are asking for Your will to be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven and Your kingdom to come in the United States of America,” said Lahmeyer in this video. “And Father, we pray for this nation. We pray for our leaders. And Lord, one of the prayers we offer up to You is the leaders that we have in Washington DC that refuse to listen to Your voice and do Your will. Father it is our request that You would uproot them, and that You would remove them, and You would replace them with men and women of Godliness and righteousness and justice. Father, may justice flow like a river out of Washington, DC.”

The Pastors For Trump website states, “we are committed to pray for Donald J. Trump and present our requests before him on issues such as life, marriage, freedom of speech and personal responsibility.”

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