An update is headed out to the official ExpressVPN app for Android TV users, one that brings the always coveted Dark Mode to the app. Mmm, so dark.

It’s not only Dark Mode that’s being introduced, though. In addition, the VPN company details that a more seamless sign-in encounter is now integrated into the app. Put simply, instead of having to use the email and password option which can be cumbersome, you can now simply scan a QR code in the app and use your phone to log in.

The changelog also details the ability for users to change server locations more easily. Specifically, they have completely replaced the old server UI and replaced it with one designed specifically for TVs.

There were other announcements in this press release, but that’s it for the Android TV part. If interested in what else ExpressVPN has going on, follow the link below. In the meantime, go snag that latest update for your Android TV.

Google Play Link

// ExpressVPN

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