It’s no secret that Elon Musk believes so-called “woke culture” is problematic. He has made innumerable public statements on the subject and has, in no uncertain terms, made it clear that he believes this political mindset to be toxic. On February 22, following the launch of Gemini, Musk tweeted, “The woke mind virus is killing Western Civilization. Google does the same thing with their search results. Facebook & Instagram too. And Wikipedia.” He implied that he’ll release his own Gmail alternative and there’s a persistent rumor about him creating his own search engine.

Musk has added several new charges to the list over recent days: he has accused Gemini of being racist and sexist and also claimed that he spoke on the phone with a Google executive who said it would take a few months to fix it. In a tweet recounting the alleged conversation, Musk claims his response was “that I doubted that Google’s woke bureaucratic blob would *allow* him to fix it.” He also declared, “Unless those who caused this are exited from Google, nothing will change, except to make the bias less obvious and more pernicious.”

His other posts on the subject have also become increasingly alarmist. He shared a meme with the heading “What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6 months,” and he has stated that “our whole civilization is at stake.” It doesn’t just seem to be Google that he’s going after, though. He also recently complained about Windows requiring users to make a Microsoft account when they set up a new PC and suggested that this would give the company’s AI access to his computer.

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